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Alexander Morrison
1bj39g91p Morrison 2
Biographical & Personal Information


Nordian/ Hybrid



Physical Traits & Qualities




7'0" (cm) (out of armor)
7'2" (216.3 cm) (in armor)


286 lb (129.6 kilograms) (without armor)

Skin color


Eye color


Hair color


Political & Military Information



  • Commando


Heavy Armor



Physical Appearance

Due to often wearing his armor, Alexander's appearance is typically hidden from the outside world due to mainly wearing his armor which normally makes it difficult for others to correctly guess his gender at first glance. Despite this, however, the one thing that gives him away is his voice; it is masculine and described as being strong and confident with an subtle accent. Like others of his species, he is tall when compared to a majority of other sapient species as he stands at centimeters (7 feet and 0 inches) without his armor and 216.3 centimeters (7 feet and 2 inches) while wearing it. After Alexanders helmet was taken off, his face is described to be handsome and clean-shaven with somewhat rugged features that made him rather attractive. His eyes, initially brighter are blue that, despite his young age, hold an deep sadness to them. Alexander has snowy-white hair which is typically kept short though the top has some length to it which often forms spikes jutting forward. During his teenager years, his hair was significantly longer. His physique, while more lean when compared many other male Nordian's, is muscular and well-toned combined with broad shoulders. After meeting him for a second time, Jessica described him as bearing himself with great dignity and gave off an intense, commanding air befitting that of an leader. His skin is smooth and a bit on the pale side due to wearing his armor a lot growing up but is marked by a cross-shaped scar on the lower part of his abdomen while an horizontal, jagged scar marked his left side. It is noted that his handsome looks and muscular body makes him popular with the girls along with a smile that Liara described as "charming and warm" though his large height and armor tends to make him menacing to others. Despite undergoing extensive cybernetic rebuild, Alexander shows only minor signs of it in the form of metallic rivulets that lined areas of his upper body along the under and oversides of his collarbone along with down the length of his spine. This is espically prominent on his hands as they run along his fingers and pool along their joints that gives them a 'steel capped' appearance.


Alexander is often seen wearing his armor in favor of actual clothes though this mainly

Personality and Traits


Family and Friends

Rosalie Morrison

Allies and Rivals

Romantic Interests

No matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you and always will.

Tessara D’Callae Dantius


Powers and Abilities


  • Enhanced Physical Prowess: Due to his Nordian heritage, Alexander possesses incredible strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina and reflexes much greater than that of humans along with accelerated healing and advanced longevity.
    • Strength:
    • Durability: Though Alexander can still receive open wounds like any other, his body is physically tougher and more resistant to blunt force trauma and impact forces than the body of a normal human without being slowed down or sustaining permanent damage. This allows him to withstand falling from a height of several stories with no signs of injury or discomfort whatsoever. He was able to withstand being thrown through a wall, struck with an iron bar and being struck repeatedly by others with similar strength. He can also survive events which would severely injure or kill a normal human, leaving him with little to no discomfort; withstanding a truck crashing into him without a scratch and surviving a point-blank missile explosion though the latter left him temporary dazed and deaf. His body is durable to the point that a mugger broke his hand simply by punching his cheek. However, Alexander can still be stunned and dazed by those with equal or greater strength.
    • Speed:
    • Stamina: His musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him, since he can go through vigorous exercise without getting tired or straining himself.
    • Agility:
    • Senses:
    • Accelerated Healing: Alexander is able to rapidly heal and regenerate from harm more extensively than normal humans, including injuries that normal humans cannot heal from, such as broken bones and tissue damage, which can heal in a matter of minutes without medical attention. However, more severe injuries can take up to a few hours to heal. He is also completely immune to conventional illnesses, diseases, viruses and infections while more resistant to toxins, alcohol and drugs with there effects ending quicker as his immune system is 10x more aggressive than others which allows him to be effective at all times without becoming impaired or rendered helpless. However, this healing factor can be strained and weakened through continuous strain while he is shown to be vulnerable to certain .
  • Environmental Adaptation: Due to his heritage, Alexander's body is able to adapt to an environment he is placed in which allows him to survive in places that others wouldn't be able to without the use of protection.
    • Gills: The first time he discovered his power was when he nearly drowned after being knocked unconscious in which he grew gills on either side of his neck so that he could breath underwater and survived
    • Night Vision: After being trapped within a cave when its entrance collapsed on itself, his eyes adapted so that he would be able to see in the darkness.


  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant:



Weapons and Tools

  • Armor
  • Grenades:
  • Omni-tool: A general all-purpose omni-tool, Liara contains her



