Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Archie Davies
Biographical & Personal Information





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Political & Military Information




Systems Aliance


Serviceman 1st class/Corporal


Either I get the correct parts, or this piece of crap snaps in half!
—Archie to a fellow engineer while on maintenance work

Archie Davies is a Welsh engineer working for the Systems Alliance on many deepspace colonies, occasionaly ending up on passenger ships and such.


Archie was born in a deepspace colony in 2170 CE, son of a member of the Alliance navy, being brought up by a largely well-off family. He was fascinated by the galaxy itself, often collecting trinkets from his father, dismantling them and then putting them back together and such. This would later allow him to become a succesful engineer in the Alliance, travelling to colonies inhabited by humans as far flung and remote as they could possibly be, repairing damaged systems that were essential to the colonies. Naturally, this sort of work was a rather thankless job, causing Archie to request a permanent area of residence and duty. He was chosen to work on an old out-of-the-way colony, New Kent, as main engineer, much to his displeasure. He is usually found repairing the circuits or outer shells of the ageing equipment the colony has to suffice with, grumbling all the way.


Archie is a rather cynical person, often giving out sarcastic comments to those who talk to him, due to the rather large amount of often failing or damaged equipment found on New Kent. He also appears to be rather gruff when in drinking establishments, such as the New Kent Bar And Restaurant, spouting crude humour to his fellow colleagues. With female colleagues he usually spends most of the time being flirtatious or plain rude, wolf whistling at them any chance he gets, cracking jokes that would make even the most loud-mouthed drunk blush or boasting about his so-called "Avid Love-life" with just about every woman he's ever met.


In the way of equipment, Archie carries about standard electrical and metal repair equipment as required. But in the way of weapons, Archie doesn't seem to carry around anything. He occasionaly carries around with him a crowbar, which he claims makes for a good melee weapon, although New Kent officials insist he should arm himself with at least some form of firearm to defend his person.
