Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Mass Effect Fanon Wiki

John Hammer is a bounty hunter known for his efficiency, and most importantly, his massive size. John stands taller than most turians, and outweighs them as well at seven foot three and around two hundred fifty pounds. The Hammer is notorious for almost always succeeding, and he is especially feared in the Terminus, where most of his work takes place. John is also referred to as the "Old Man" or "Gray" by locals on Omega, as he is sixty eight years old.


Early Life and Pre-Military[]

John grew up in an average american house-hold in Denver, Colorado. His father, Albert Hammer, was a former police officer and his mother, Tricia Hammer, a nurse. Because of his white and black heritage, the young John was often teased by his peers and called him an "oreo"; Even in the Twenty-Second Century, racism was still a problem in human society, even if the kids would learn better. 

After a few difficult years, John made friends by playing baseball, basketball, and gridiron style football. He earned a basketball scholarship and a football scholarship, he decided to take his college career to the court and not the field. John graduated with a masters in engineering, and received a job as the head engineer on an Alliance cruiser, which was one of the newer models and only half done.

After several months he managed to finish the vessel, evaluate it, and give the thumbs up to Alliance Brass. For years, he worked in docking bays, managed alliance experiments, and managed to increase the integrity of Alliance ships. John even married a fellow engineer, then Alicia Thompson, and they had three children.

Military Service[]

At forty two years of age, John, already a reserve, entered military service as a Colonel when Shanxi was hit. John proved to a formidable combatant against the Turians and an excellent strategist. His career as a marine was short lived, and he only saw action in the end of The First Contact War, as his advanced age, despite his many advantages, brought general concern among Alliance Officials.

John was given a ship, the SSV Thermopylae, and designated Captain instead of colonel. John lived for his crew and the Thermopylae, and grew fond of traversing space and patrolling worlds. He took a fascination with Alien Culture, immediately diving into hundreds of history books, and even learned the politics of the Citadel; The latter leaving a sour taste. John saw action several times as a Captain, but all of it minor and easily won skirmishes against batarians.

John is 68-69 by the events of the first Mass Effect game
