Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Shepard! You need to wake up right now… This facility is under attack!
—Opening Line of the Story
Revival title card
Mass Effect: Revival

William R. Woods

Followed By

Mass Effect: Allies


Mass Effect: Lazarus Rising






Mass Effect 2


The story, Mass Effect Revival [1][2][3] follows the storyline of the second Mass Effect game but completely changing the story around to make into an alternate universe story that while staying somewhat similar to the story of Mass Effect 2 goes completely off the rails in doing so. The following is a fanon background source for those who are interested in reading up on the background of the story.

Story Summary[]

Two years after her death at the hands of the Collectors Alexandra Jane Shepard is woken up by a new unknown group needing her help in taking down the Collectors, the Reapers, and maybe even Cerberus as well while they were at it. A "what if..." story that sees Shepard getting the help and support of a group that is not Cerberus during the events and story of Mass Effect 2.

Major Characters[]

Alexandra Jane Shepard[]

The legendary hero of the Battle of the Citadel and the woman who brought down the traitor Saren Arterious during said battle. She has been brought back from death to be the spearhead of the Lazarus Group in their fight against the Collectors. The leading character in the series and the battle against the Collectors.

Lieutenant Ashley Williams[]

Formerly one of Shepard's team who had fallen on Virmire and like her Commander brought back from death to help in the fight against the Reapers. She is currently once more a member of Shepard's elite team.

Operative Miranda Lawson[]

Formerly the Director of the Lazarus Cell of the Cerberus Organization before the so-called Cerberus Civil War where the Lazarus Cell became the core of the new Lazarus Group. She currently serves as Shepard's right hand and lead Lazarus Operative in the fight against the Collector.

Lieutenant Jacob Taylor[]

Once a member of the Alliance Marine's Battalion 212 of the Second Frontier Divison, he became a member of Lieutenant William's security team onboard the Minutemen Research Station. He has since become the commander of the Lazarus Trooper Platoon attached to Shepard's Command during the hunt for the Collectors.

Background Codex[]

Ships and Vehicles[]


Weapons, Armor, and Equipment[]

Known Associates[]

Timeline Events[]
