“It appears I have you to thank for turning Miles against me. I suppose his feeble mind and easily-swayed personality would eventually backlash at me. Still, I'm quite annoyed.” — The Master, if Shepard chose to let Miles live
Miles is a human information broker for The Master. He's been stealing huge amounts of credits from Aria T'Loak right under her nose for two years and has been sending it to Chronos. He was eventually exposed by Commander Shepard.
Mass Effect 2[]
When Aria sends Shepard to investigate some of the merchants around Omega they discover that Miles, the head of Omega Banking, has been stealing large amounts of money from Aria to the point of her almost being bankrupt. Shepard confronts Miles and tells him that they know he's working for Chronos. The two engage in a gun fight until Miles becomes wounded.
The player has two options:
- Let Miles live and persuade him to work for the Systems Alliance (Paragon)
- Kill Miles (Renegade)