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Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Rami Polaris
Biographical & Personal Information





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Political & Military Information


Systems Alliance (Reinstated as N7)


Rami Polaris is the mother of Sal Polaris and an N7 operative. She is also the former captain of the SSV Stuttgart.


Early Life[]

Rami was born in Miami, FL, on Earth in 2149 and was then taken in by relatives due to her birth mothers' obessive fascination with the retrieved prothean tech. Rami had not even known of her mother, growing up thinking she died during child birth.

She was enrolled into a florida university and achieved a Masters degree in Engineering. After that, she enrolled into the Alliance. Rami was stationed on the SSV Stuttgart, there she met Hunnigan James. A month after being stationed with him, Rami began to fall in love with Hunnigan, with him feeling the same way. They coupled and the moment brought much disappointment for Stark Anthony, in turn cut ties with her.

First Son[]

Experiencing severe symptoms, Rami found out she was pregnant and planned to live her expecting parenthood with Hunnigan. Though she did not want her child born on the Citadel but instead Earth in the same place she was born and raised in. Buying a trip home and waiting for her husband to return from an assignment, Rami waited 13 hours for him to meet with her in a shuttle bay, then suddenly started having contractions and was quickly taken to the nearest hospital where she gave birth to Sal Handrew Polaris. The moment she gave birth was when Hunnigan was reported dead, leaving Rami all alone to raise her only child. A month after his birth, Rami was approached by Aliana "Matron" Haron T'Nola, and offered to raise Sal until he was older and that Rami's finacial standing improved. Seeing no other alternative, she agreed to give Sal to Aliana.

After the Battle of the Citadel[]

Returning from a 14 year separation from her son, Rami was given custody rights to Sal shortly after the attack on the Citadel. Rami quickly descended into becoming an abusive mother who would often berate her son for not recovering over Yala'Gan's death sooner.

Losing Parental Rights of Son[]

Over the course of her short-lived time as a mother, Rami was soon watched by the Citadel Adoption Agency after hearing several reports by concerned citizens she and her husband were very abusive towards him. Quickly, Sal was taken back into the Agency to be given to a more suitable step-family.
