The following are excerpts from dossiers compiled by the Shadow Broker using information gleaned through almost certainly illegal means. In the interest of organization, the files have been arranged alphabetically, and broken into groups based on ship assignment or organization membership.
- Ardnol Krot
- Maria de Wilden
- James Fletcher
- Kymir Jhoeli
- James Skinner
Illium Elite[]
- Sylvia Christian
- Siani T'Nair
- Matriarch Eumenidia
SSV Aegina[]
SSV Belgrade[]
- Paul Barnes
- Justine Marsters
- Emmanuelle Sharon
- Agron Simnica
- Bethany Truman
SSV Dubai[]
SSV Dyrrhacia[]
- Tereza Kodetovic
- Timothea Young
SSV Hegra[]
- Charlotte Beauclaire
- Ofelia Hayes
SSV Little Bighorn[]
SSV Troy[]
SSV Ypres[]
- Akihiro Mifune
- Tawfiq Omar
SSV Wake Island[]
- James Christianson
- Viktor Astrahova
Other Personnel[]
- Travis Dunn
- Pamela Nilsson
- Yuri Chevetski