Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Taria T'Lana
Biographical & Personal Information





Physical Traits & Qualities





Skin color


Eye color

Heterochromia iridum

  • Green and Blue

Hair color


Political & Military Information




  • M-8 Avenger (modified)







Taria T'Lana was an Asari commando and the first wife of Systems Alliance captain Yuri Chevetski. She married Yuri in 2167 and they had 2 children. Taria was killed in shuttle accident in 2180, much to Yuri's suprise and saddness.

Early Life[]

Raised by a Matriarch, Taria was a very adventurous child due to the fact that her mother was very strict with her. However, this also had a great effect on Taria's life. As she got older, she realized that she wanted to be in the military because she needed discipline.

Commando life[]

While being an asari commando was a hard life, Taria always enjoyed it. She was sent on many dangerous missions. On one mission to an uncharted planet, Taria was attacked by a large serpant-like creature, thought to be a thresher maw, and was left with a scar running all the way down her back. Sometime during her time as a commando, she met Yuri Chevetski and fell in love with him.

Marriage to Yuri[]

Yuri and Taria married in 2167 on her home world of Thessia. The wedding was attended by several friends of Yuri, including Jacob Mitchell and Tarquin Vakarian. After their wedding, they went on a honeymoon to the Citadel, where they both met Yuri's future friend, Urdnot Maak. Over the course of their marriage, they had two children, both of which were named after their father's parents, who were lesbians. They always enjoyed each other's company and were usually never apart if they could help it. However, due to their professions, one or both were deployed at different times. At the times when both of them were deployed, Maak or Tarquin usually waatched over the kids.

Crash and death[]

In 2180, Taria was in a shuttle crash while visiting Yuri's parents on Earth while he was deployed. When Yuri was forwarded the news, he was allowed to immediatly return to Earth to see his wife. Taria had been severely injured in the crash: her lungs had been torn and she had massive internal bleeding. Yuri and their kids spent all day and night with Taria has she slowly died. Several days later, Taria died from her internal injuries with Yuri and her two daughters had her side. Yuri ensured that she received full military honors at her funeral. Her funeral was attend by Yuri, their children, Admiral Mitchell, Tarquin, Maak, Gerard Keller and others. Her body was laid to rest at the place on Thessia where Yuri and Taria had their first date.
