Mass Effect Fanon Wiki
Mass Effect Fanon Wiki

Thresher Squad was a team of mercenaries assembled by Urdnot Lok in order to find his brother's killer, Jonathan Allen. The team had eight members and was considered very deadly. However, they had very little luck in finding Allen. Eventually, the team disbanded and went their separate ways. However, at the request of Gerard Keller, Lok reassembled the team to assist Keller following a deadly ambush that left three Omegas dead and the others badly injured. However, the team had lost two of it's members during the Reaper War and one refused to rejoin the team. The squad's name came from Thresher Maws, which Lok believed were the most fearsome enemies one could face.


Original Members (full team)[]

Current Members[]

Former Members[]

  • Shara T'Lara† - Killed on Thessia during Reaper invasion
  • Weyrloc Jax† - Killed on Tuchanka by Kalros
  • Tera'Gala vas Stalingrad - Refused to rejoin in order to help the Migrant Fleet