Mass Effect Fanon Wiki

Hello fellow wikians of Mass Effect Fanon. You might have noticed that on the Spotlight blog written by BlueThunder that I said there is only one more thing I can think of to help get more users and attention. That thing I was thinking of was a hard challenge that would be hard to live up to but could get us attention and recognition if completed. While it would be hard to do I think we have the community to do it if everyone gets commited. Here is the challenge we could all publicly undertake that would get news about us going.

Before Christmas day 2010 (Date Pending) The Mass Effect Fanon Wiki nearly doubles it's content to expand and reach to

'1,'000 Content Articles

I think if we decided to try to do this and make it public we would get attention and new users and upon completion would get alot of respect and prowess along the fanon community and even another wiki spotlight. However we would need a dedicated and willing community with everbody onboard.

Tell me what you think.

Foxtrot12 20:47, August 6, 2010 (UTC)