I'm Back, More or Less
Hey kids. I finally got out of rehab last weekend, and after some hesitation, I'm coming back to work here. It may be a while before I'm back to full steam, as I also have to find a new day job and go to all kinds of addiction-recovery meetings, but for all intents and purposes, I'm back.
Going Away...
Alright kids, listen up. I've gotten in some trouble at my day-job, and now I have to go off to rehab for six weeks to get my job back (went home at the end of my shift and decided to celebrate the weekend, then suddenly got called back in to the office... not one of my prouder moments...) They don't allow personal computers at the facility, so it may be a while till I'm able to get back here. Till then, Hunter Zealot is in charge, and he's not patient and tolerant like me, so behave or else he'll verbally kick your asses up and down the hall. See y'all later.
New Rule Proposal
In the continuing effort to increase coherence on this site, I am considering a new rule: Every fanon article must have at least one connection to someone else's fanon. For instance, much of EliteMaster's work is tied to the Office of Naval-Alliance Security (which has since been renamed the Office of Alliance Territorial Hegemony), which was the brainchild of Foxtrot12.
Any thoughts on this proposal?
Headache-Inducing Question of the Day
Did the Mass Effect franchise exist in the Mass Effect universe?
Article Ownership Policy
For those who did not read the fine print too closely, any article submitted to MEFW become the property of the wiki, not its creator, and thus the author loses control over the article as soon as it's submitted. Of course, with the exception of extremely crude, obscenity-laden articles, that kind of policy is not often enforced on fanon wikis, because it's a bit of a killjoy.
I bring this up because in the coming weeks, the wiki's ownership of submitted articles may become invoked more frequently. Here's the important part: Any editor who is inactive for a certain number of months, unless they've made prior arrangements (for instance, informing the community that they'll be away for a while, for school or military service or some other comm…