Yep. It's that time again...
Okay, where the hell is everybody? Once again, we need to talk about the direction of this wiki. It's been languishing for weeks, the front page hasn't been updated for months, and I'm no longer sure who's still planning to stay involved. I've tried to keep this place alive, but it's no fun playing in an empty room. So how do we bring this place back to life (again)?
Who owns ONAS?
The Office of Naval Alliance Security was Foxtrot's creation, but it's mentioned heavily in Elitemaster117's articles. As far as I can tell, Foxtrot considers all of his characters to be part of the regular Mass Effect timeline, whereas Elitemaster's characters exist in an alternate timeline. So who owns ONAS?
Fanon vs. Alternate Universe
Okay, this probably more of a forum discussion topic than a blog post, but nobody visits the forum, so I'm raising the question here. At what point does a fanon article cease to be fanon and instead becomes alternate-universe, and what is our policy regarding alternate universes?
Shadow Broker Dossiers
To help creators develop their characters, I've created the Shadow Broker Dossiers page for MEFW. Patterned after the Shadow Broker Dossiers found at the end of the "Lair of the Shadow Broker" DLC, these dossiers give creators a place to put up mock audio transcripts, e-mails, statistics, and other stuff about their characters. Anyone is invited to add a dossier. Let me know if you need help, as setting up the links can be tricky.