Mass Effect Fanon Wiki

Hunter Zealot Hunter Zealot 19 June 2012


Mass Effect Fanon, I have decided to resign as admin and leave permanently. I no longer have the drive to write meaningless articles. I have lost all gumption to care for this wiki, and can't even take it seriously. I am leaving all wikis, actually. I am keeping this short, by the way.

For nearly two years I have been an admin of this site, and for the most part, I have been useless. I see my current status as a glorification of how relevant I really am. I was giving this title out of necessity, and because, frankly, I was the only editor of four who was active every day. I brought this wiki back up from the ground with a friend and mentor known as Gnostic, an excellent writer and Mass Effect Overlord of all things grammatically correct. He…

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Hunter Zealot Hunter Zealot 11 April 2012

Our Growing Community

We have a had a fair share of new recruits from all around the internet, and a few appear to have revived themselves from inactivity. Due to our orginial state, me and Gnostic ruled over like a unified sovereignty. We were not unjust, but there were no basic guidelines followed: We did as we saw fit, eliminating vandals, crushing undesirables, and being selfish jack asses.

We did this because we were basically the only constant editors worthy of mention, and we were basically vigilantes. Although our wiki possesses a "handbook" of sorts for the supervising cast known as Administrators, a Terms of Service, and MOS, and a few rules were actually followed; Remnants only accepted because they once belonged to a larger community, a group of peop…

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Hunter Zealot Hunter Zealot 25 February 2012

Wish Me Luck

I have some wrestling tournaments tomorrow, and hopefully I will win it. Wish me luck, and hopefully I can kick some ass. I think I have a twenty man bracket.

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Hunter Zealot Hunter Zealot 14 December 2011

Unrelated Note

So, which of you is a Gears of War fan? And if you are, what are your thoughts on Gears of War?

To me, Gears of War is my favorite game series, because it takes meat headed one liners to the next level, manages to beat every game of it's time in graphics(On console, that is), and has the most depressing campaign out there(It's the only game to ever make me choke a little).

Gears of War is not about war, however, it's about the Human Race fighting for survival, in a alternative universe on a planet called Sera. They fight against the most genocidal monstrosities ever born in a video game, which are known as the Locust Horde, a race of subterranean monsters who have enslaved creatures of various make up and design, effectively turning nature's…

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Hunter Zealot Hunter Zealot 16 May 2011


Um, are you guys gone again? This site has serious issues with stayinging alive. Seriously, you guys aren't here within the next week and I'll petition for wikia to get me admin status until a better individual comes along, and I can resign. It's nothing personal, at all. I don't want admin status, unless we ever get a larger community, which I'd just be a necesity.

So, writers block? School?

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